Mandibular Ramus Asymmetry: unequal or underdevelopment
of the bones below the ear of the lower jaw bone, usually affects only
one side, but may affect both sides, with one side more severely
Maxilla Hypoplasia: Underdevelopment of the upper jaw
Zygoma Hypoplasia: Underdevelopment of the cheek bone
and muscles of mastication (chewing food in preparation for swallowing
and digestion) and facial expression.
Macrostomia: Greatly exaggerated width of the mouth,
resulting from failure of union of the upper jaw bone and lower jaw bone
processes, with extension of the mouth opening toward the ear.
Agenesis of the Parotid Gland: Incomplete or failure of
development of the salivary gland situated in front of and below the
Hypoplasia of Palatal: Underdevelopment of the muscles
of the palate and tongue muscles.
Antimongoloid slant: The condition in which the side
portion of the eyelid cleft or slit is lower than the center portion.
Epicanthal folds: The upward fold of the skin (in a
crescent shape) from the lower eyelid at the inner corner of the eye.
Anomaly of the eyelid: Deviation from the average or
norm; anything that is structurally unusual or irregular or contrary to
a general rule. Congenital defects are an example of the definition of
Upper and lower lid coloboma: Any defect, congenital.
Iris coloboma: Defect of the Iris.
Optic nerve coloboma: Congenital notch in the formation
of the optic nerve.
Ocular Drainage Abnormalities
Ptosis: A sinking down or prolapse of the eyelid.
Exophthalmos: Protrusion of one or both eyeballs; can be
congenital and familial.
Exotropia: The outward or wandering of an eye.
Malposition of the orbit: Abnormal position of the bone
cavity containing the eyeball.
Obstructed/stenotic lacrimal duct: A blockage /a
stricture of tear ducts.
Epiphora: An overflow of tears upon the cheek, due to
imperfect drainage by the tear-conducting passages. Tearing, watery eye.
Microphthalmia: Abnormal smallness of the eye.
Anophthalmia: Congenital absence of all tissues of the
Cornea anomaly: The outer transparent tissue of the eye;
deviation from the norm.
Cataracts: Loss of transparency of the lens of the eye.
Glaucoma: A disease of the eye characterized by
increased intraocular pressure, excavation, and atrophy of the optic
nerve; produces defects in the field of vision.
Motility disorder: Lack of power of spontaneous
Strabismus or Esotropia: A manifest lack of parallelism
of the visual axes of the eye. SYN: crossed eyes.
Esotropia: The form of strabismus in which the visual
axes converge.
Nystagmus: Rythmical movement of the eyeballs, either
pendular or jerky.
Epibulbar dermoids: Eyeball cysts
Lipodermoids: Congenital, yellowish-white fatty, benign
tumor located subconjunctivally.
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Marked deviations from the normal standard
Preauricular skin tags: poorly developed and
non-functional outgrowths of ear tissue, often containing a core
cartilage, usually located just in front of the ear.
Anotia: no ear.
Dysmorphic: malformed ear.
Slightly Narrowed External Auditory Canals.
Atretic External Auditory Canals: abnormally closed or
Conductive Hearing Loss: a form of deafness that results
from a blockage of the ear canal or dysfunction of the ossicles or
Branchial cartilage: Connective tissue within the
vertebrate or embryonic brachial arches.
Branchial fistula: A congenital abnormal passage in the
neck resulting incomplete closure of a branchial cleft.
Webbing: Congenital condition apparent when adjacent
structures are joined by a broad band of tissue not normally present to
such a degree.
Short neck: Self explanatory.
Anomalies of sternocleidomastoid: Deviation from the
norm of the relation of the sternum, clavicle and mastoid process.
Umbilical hernia: The bowel protrudes through the
abdominal wall.
Inguinal hernia: Rupture of the groin.
Diastasis rectu: Separation of rectus abdominis muscles
away from the midline.
Pilonidal dimple: An indentation, usually circular in
small area/sacral region.
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Stridor: A high-pitched, noisy respiration, like the
blowing of the wind.
Cardiomegaly: Enlargement of the heart.
Cardiac vessel anomalies: Heart vessel deviation from
the average or the norm
Ventricular hypertrophy: Enlarged ventricle of heart.
Atrial Septal defects: A congenital defect in the septum
between atria of the heart, due to the failure of the foramen primum or
secundum to close normally.
Ventricular septal defects: A congenital defect in the
septum (membrane or muscular) between cardiac ventricles , usually
resulting from failure of the spiral septum to close the
interventricular foramen.
Tetralogy of fallot: A set of congenital cardiac defects
including ventricular septal defect, pulmonic valve stenosis, and
dextropositon of the aorta so that it overrides the venticular septum
and receives venous as well as arterial blood.
B: Deviation from the average or norm - relating to one
or more arteries.
Aortic stenosis: A narrowing of aortic valve opening.
Pulmonary artery anomalies: A deviation from the average
or norm/pulmonary arteries.
Tracheoesophageal atresia: A congenital failure of the
full esophageal lumen to develop.
Tracheoesophageal fistula: A congenital abnormality
involving a communication between the trachea and esophagus; often
associated with esophageal atresia, but may also be acquired.
Digestive tract anomalies: Congenital deviations from
the norm/digestive tract.
Anal anomalies: Congenital deviation from the norm of
the anal (lower opening of digestive tract, lying in the cleft between
the buttocks, through which fecal matter is extruded).
Hypospadias: A developmental anomaly characterized by a
defect on the ventrum of the penis.
Hydrocele: A collection of serous fluid in a sacculated
cavity; specifically, such a collection in the tunica vaginalis testis,
or in a separate pocket along the spermatic cord.
Chordee: Ventral curvature of the penis, most apparent
on erection.
Undescended testes: Has failed to descend into the
Scrotum anomalies: Congenital deviation from the
average/norm of the scrotum., a musculocutaneous sac containing the
Kidney anomalies: Congenital deviation from the
average/norm of the kidneys.
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Low posterior hairline: Low back surface of the
Preauricular hair tags: Anterior to the auricle of the
ear/small outgrowths of hair.
Coloboma /missing portion of eyebrow: A congenital
defect /missing portion of eyebrow.
Hirsutism: Presence of excessive bodily and facial
terminal hair, in a male pattern, especially in women.
Nevus: A limited or confined malformation of the skin,
especially if colored by hyperpigmentation or increased vascularity.
Hyperpigmentation: An excess of pigment in a tissue or
Nail anomalies: A deviation from the average/norm nails.
Radius anomalies: Bone of the forearm/deviation from the
Joint anomalies: Joint deviation from the average/norm.
Clubbing of fingers: A condition affecting the fingers
in which proliferation of distal tissues, especially the nail beds,
result in thickening and widening of the extremities of the fingers; the
nails are abnormally curved and shiny.
Brachydactyly: Abnormal shortness of the fingers.
Polydactyly: Presence of more than five fingers on hand.
Clinodactyly: Permanent deflection of one or more
Phalangeal anomalies: One of the long bones of the
finger/deviation from the norm.
Thumb anomaly: Deviation of the thumb from the norm.
Abnormal dermatoglyphics: Abnormal configuration of the
characteristic ridge patterns of the palm of the hand.
Single horizontal palmar crease: Single horizontal
crease in palm of hand.
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Abnormal tibia/fibula:
Abnormal tibia: The center and larger of the two bones
of the leg.
Abnormal fibula: The side and smaller of the two bones
of the leg.
Abnormal femur: Abnormal thigh bone.
Tendon problems: Fibrous cord or band of variable length
that connects a muscle with its bony attachment or other structure.
One Leg Longer
One Leg Shorter
Abduction contractures: A shortening or increase in
tension; denoting the normal function of muscular tissue/in movement of
Clubbing of toes: Thickening and widening of the
extremities of the toes; the nails are abnormally curved and shiny.
Brachydactyly: Abnormal shortness of toes.
Ectrodactyly: Congenital absence of all or part of one
or more toes. Known also as split-foot deformity, lobster claw.
Clinodactyly: Permanent deflection of one or more toes.
Missing digits: Missing toes.
Overlapping toes
Rocker bottom feet
Abnormal foot position
Varus deformity: Legs bent or twisted inward toward the
midline of the limb or body.
Metatarsus adductus: A fixed deformity of the foot in
which the forepart of the foot is angled away from the main longitudinal
axis of the foot toward the midline; usually congenital in origin.
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Cranial nerve anomalies: Those nerves that emerge from,
or enter, the cranium or skull, in contrast to the spinal nerves, which
emerge from the spine or vertebral column; that deviate from the average
or norm.
Mental retardation: Sub-average general intellectual
functioning that originates during the development period and is
associated with impairment in adaptive behavior.
Epilepsy/seizures: A chronic disorder characterized by
sharp spasm or convulsion brain dysfunction. Usually associated with
some alteration of consciousness.
Cerebral palsy: Defect of motor power and coordination
related to damage of the brain.
EEG abnormality: Abbreviation for electroencephalogram
Hypotonia: Reduced tension in any part, as in the
eyeball. Relaxation of the arteries.
Hypertonia: Extreme tension of the arteries.
Gait abnormality: Abnormal manner of walking.
Cervical fusion: Relating to a neck, or cervix, in any
sense, union.
Cranio-cervical base anomalies: Skull-neck base
deviations from the average or norm.
C-1 anomalies
Hemivertebrae: A congenital defect of the spine in which
one side of a vertebra fails to develop completely.
Scolios: Abnormal lateral curvature of the vertebral
Kyphosis: A deformity of the spine characterized by
extensive flexion. Syn: Hunchback
Kyphscoliosis: Kyphosis combined with scoliosis.
Sprengel's deformity: Congenital elevation of the
Clavicle abnormality: Collar bone abnormality.
Dislocated hip
Rib abnormality
Spina Bifida occulta: A bifida in which there is a
spinal defect, but no protrusion of the cord or its membrane, although
there is often some abnormality in their development.
Delayed puberty
Adrenal abnormality: Near or upon the kidney; denoting
the suprarenal (adrenal) gland, which is abnormal.
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